Thursday, February 27, 2014

Photos from The Anglophile Channel's Richard Armitage Interview

  Thursday afternoon The anglophile Channel was able to sit down with Richard Armitage for an interview as well as presenting him with his Favorite British Artist of the Year crystal trophy. And ovaries went *KABOOM*.

The trophy:

 Waiting for the man himself: 

As The Anglophile Channel says: Richard admiring Thorin of Eberor's poster


And the picture where my ovaries went *KABOOM*

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Richard Armitage to Read Hamlet, a Novel

   My stomach has done flips, my heart has gone rat-a-tat a few times and mentally I have squeed and *THUDED* a few dozen times in the space of a couple of minutes. I am now calm enough to share the news, that a friend posted on Twitter and Facebook, that Richard's audio performance of A.J. Hartley and David Hewson's Hamlet, a Novel will be out on May 20th.

  In it Richard will have multiple parts that will show off his range as an actor.

  Hamlet, a Novel is set in Renaissance Denmark but is told in modern while retaining the core Shakespeare's Hamlet .

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Edition of Tuchus Tuesday #29

I was looking though some photos that would be perect for a Valentine's Day collage of Richard and while going through some Guy of Gisborne pictures I found a whole slew of ones of his gloriously leather-clad tuchus. I could not hide his glorious tuchus in a collage so I am going to post each one individually. Only drawback is Vaisey is in them but considering Guy his pointing an arrow at him should make it alright. I do hope you enjoy this late in the evening Guy Valentine.

All photos are courtesy of RA Central

Monday, February 10, 2014

RA Screen Test for Thorin

    Just found a post on Armitage Agonistes with this video of Richard doing his screen test for Thorin Oakenshield and thought I would share it. Nice way to spend almost 15 minutes.


From Your Secret Valentine: Happy Valentine, Perry at Armitage Agonistes

Dearest Perry,

You are my Secret Valentine. I would like for you to know that I find Armitage Agonistes highly intelligent, well informed, well thought out and a fun Richard Armitage blog. It is a pleasure to read your blog because I feel like I get a little smarter about Richard each time I read one of your post. 

  Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day,
♥ Lady M ♥


   Just accidentally stumbled across this thirty second video of Richard of Project Magazine project. Incredibly masculin, but thirty seconds is not long enough I need and want more. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sparkhouse Surprise

Guess what I found? I found Richard's television movie Sparkhouse broken down into to two parts on Youtube. so now for those of us that have never seen it before now we can and for those of you that have seen it you can watch it again.

Sparkhouse part 1 The guy looks like a goofy Robin Hood.

Sparkhouse part 2 :

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuchus Tuesday #28

This edition of Tuchus Tuesday is courtesy of Zan at her Well, There You Go... blog. Zan was gracious enough to give me permission to use one of her picture of Richard greeting fans outside 92Y after Printer/Proust last month. Now if you know me even just a little by this blog, Twitter or FB, then you should have had an idea that I would wonder if such a picture existed. Which I hoped existed but did not think existed. Luckily, Zan (unknowingly) made my hope/wish come true because she took the picture. So thank you Zan for being a wise and lucky woman for getting, what I consider to be, the perfect shot. And thank you Zan for letting me use it.

P.S. Click on the red link to Zan's blog for more photos that she took of Richard.

March 2020

A March 2020 calendar. Time from time I will post one.