Saturday, May 25, 2013

Robert Ascroft Photographs of Richard

Life has been more than busy for me of late, so I really have been out of energy and time to post, which has left me a little out of the Richard loop. At least, to a point, as far as the new Robert Ascroft photos are concerned. Some of these photos have a Matthew Clairmont feel to them, at least to me. I wonder if Richard is trying to tell us something with these photos without giving everything away? A Discovery of Witches post is slowly being worked on, time restrictions. Anyway here are some of the newest and some older Richard photographs taken by Mr. Ascroft.

I think this one is my favorite, so Matthew Clairmont-ish.

Thanks to Richard Armitage Central and RichardArmitageNet for some of the photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these pictures certainly bring out what a truly beautiful man he is. Love them all better than the one before..

March 2020

A March 2020 calendar. Time from time I will post one.