Friday, March 14, 2014

Richard Armitage New Project: Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew

News has come this evening from RichardArmitagenet that our beloved Richard Armitage has been cast in the movie adaptation of the Bernard Hare novel Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew and the movie is being produced by Blenheim Films.His co-star is to be Nadine Mulkerrin  who has been in 'Starlings' . So she will have worked with John Thornton and Nicholas Higgins (Brendan Coyle) of North & South.

 Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew is a non-fiction book about Mr. Hare's, going by the nickname 'Chop', experience as an ex-social worker living on a rough estate in Leeds, England, on society's margins and having a like for booze and drugs in 1990's Britain. Then he meets 12 year-old illiterate and drug-using Urban Grimshaw and is shocked by Urban's life. Chops then decides to do what he can for Urban and his friends, the pre-teen gang the Shed Crew, who really shock Chop. The Shed Crew have a penchant for running away, joy-riding and sex and drugs.

  For those who are interested there are some editions of Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew available at Amazon from third parties. I bought the last really cheap brand new hard-cover edition of the book.

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