Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Richard Armitage Interview Part Two: There and Back Again with Marlise Boland

     The charmingly intelligent and cheekily funny Richard Armitage is let loose in this second part of The Anglophile Channel's interview. Still stuck on MySpace and worries about drunk tweeting. Honestly, I would like to see Richard drunk tweeting and I wouldn't like to see Richard drunk tweeting. Then I feel that way about him tweeting in general. Like to keep him mysterious.                  


Jeannie Gisborne said...

Thanks for sharing this. I was disappointed he didn't do his American accent, but the rest of it was great. Can't wait for the next one!

Lady M said...

He is probably not comfortable doing an American accent outside of the movie, but then again...

Anonymous said...

Could this man be any closer to perfection?

March 2020

A March 2020 calendar. Time from time I will post one.